=== Advanced Access Manager === Contributors: vasyl_m Tags: access manager, access, access control, comments, capability, widget, filter menu, role manager, user access, user control, user Requires at least: 3.4.2 Tested up to: 3.8.1 Stable tag: 2.5 Graphic interface to manage Access control to your Front-end and Back-end == Description == Are you looking for free and powerful plugin for WordPress Access Control? Nowadays AAM is one of the most popular access control plugins. It is easy-to-use but at the same time very powerful tool that gives you a flexible control over your either single WordPress site or Multisite Network. With AAM you are allowed to configure access to different parts of your website for any Role or individual User. **Please Notice!** If you have any issues with AAM or you have any questions related to it, we offer free and fast support. You can either send us an email or leave a message on WordPress Forum. We always ready to help you and to improve your experience with AAM. In Current version you are allowed to do next: **Control Access to Admin Menu (including submenu).** As example you can restrict access for Role Editor to Menu "Pages" or does not allow individual User to manage Post's Categories. **Filter Widgets & Metaboxes.** Filter the list of metaboxes that User can see during Post/Page editing. At the same time you can filter the list of Dashboard and Frontend widgets. **Filter Post or Page content** You can filter Post's or Page's content based on currently logged in user or visitor. **Manage Role's or User's Capabilities.** AAM, with simple interface, allows you to grand or remove capabilities from Role or User. You can also create new capabilities or remove existing. **Control Access to Posts, Pages, CPTs or Terms.** You can restrict access to individual page or post for any user or role as well as restrict access to entire Term and all posts inside it. You can also restrict page commenting for individual pages or exclude them from Frontend menu. We are extending the list of possible restrictions with each new version. **Create custom actions for system events.** As example your system can trigger email to you if some user published Post/Page or modified content. You are also allowed to develop your own custom action for event. **Track User Activities.** With AAM you can track user activities within your website. So you can easily find out when user was logged in or modified some Post/Page. There are many activities that can be tracked. We constantly adding more and more. **Manage Role List.** AAM allows you to create new Roles or Delete existing. There are a lot of small and hidden features included in AAM that we are not listing here but you can find more about them on our [Forum](http://wpaam.com/forum). The AAM support also these languages: * English * German (by Kolja www.Reggae-Party.de) * Spanish (by Etruel www.netmdp.com) * Polish (by Gustaw Lasek www.servitium.pl) * French (by Moskito7) * Russian (by Maxim Kernozhickii www.aeromultimedia.com) * Persian (by Ghaem Omidi www.forum.wp-parsi.com) * Norwegian (by Christer Berg Johannesen www.improbus.com) == Installation == 1. Upload `advanced-access-manager` folder to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory 2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress 3. Find Access Manager under AWM Group Menu == Frequently Asked Questions == = What is "Initiate URL" button, under "Metaboxes & Widgets" Tab? = Sometimes list of additional metaboxes is conditional on edit post page. Like e.g. display custom metabox "Photos" only if Post Status is Published. Access Manager initiates the list of metaboxes for each post in default status ("auto-draft"). That is why you have to manually initialize the URL to the edit post page where the list of additional metaboxes can be picked by AAM. == Screenshots == 1. General view of Access Manager 2. List of Metaboxes to Manage 3. List of Capabilities 4. Post/Page Tree View 5. ConfigPress == Changelog == = 2.5 = * Fixed issue with AAM Plus Package and Multisite * Introduced Development License * Minor internal adjustment for AAM Development Community = 2.5 Beta = * Refactored Post & Pages Access List * Extended ConfigPress with Post & Pages Access List Options * Refactored internal UI hander * Fixed issue with Restore Default flag and AAM Plus Package * Added LIST Restriction for AAM Plus Package * Added ADD Restriction for AAM Plus Package * Filter list of editable roles based on current user level * Gives ability for non-admin users manage AAM if admin granted access * Removed Backup object. Replaces with Restore Default * Merged ajax handler with UI manager * Implemented Clear All Settings feature (one step closer to Import/Export) * Added Error notification for Extension page * Fixed bug with Multisite and AAM Plus Package ajax call * Regenerated language file * Fixed bug with non-existing term = 2.4 = * Added Norwegian language Norwegian (by Christer Berg Johannesen) * Localize the default Roles * Regenerated .pod file * Added AAM Media Manager Extension * Added AAM Content Manager Extension * Standardized Extension Modules * Fixed issue with Media list = 2.3 = * Added Persian translation by Ghaem Omidi * Added Inherit Capabilities From Role drop-down on Add New Role Dialog * Small Cosmetic CSS changes = 2.2.3 = * Improved Admin Menu access control * Extended ConfigPress with aam.menu.undefined setting * Fixed issue with Frontend Widget * Updated Polish Language File = 2.2.2 = * Fixed very significant issue with Role deletion * Added Unfiltered Capability checkbox * Regenerated language file * Fixed issue with language encoding * Fixed issue with Metaboxes tooltips = 2.2.1 = * Fixed the issue with Activity include = 2.2 = * Fixed issue with jQuery UI Tooltip Widget * Added AAM Warning Panel * Added Event Log Feature * Moved ConfigPress to separate Page (refactored internal handling) * Reverted back the SSL handling * Added Post Delete feature * Added Post's Restore Default Restrictions feature * Added ConfigPress Extension turn on/off setting * Russian translation by (Maxim Kernozhitskiy http://aeromultimedia.com) * Removed Migration possibility * Refactored AAM Core Console model * Increased the number of saved restriction for basic version * Simplified Undo feature = 2.1.1 = * Fixed fatal error in caching mechanism * Extended ConfigPress tutorial * Fixed error for AAM Plus Package for PHP earlier versions * Improved Admin over SSL check * Improved Taxonomy Query handling mechanism = 2.1 = * Fixed issue with Admin Menu restrictions (thanks to MikeB2B) * Added Polish Translation * Fixed issue with Widgets restriction * Improved internal User & Role handling * Implemented caching mechanism * Extended Update mechanism (remove the AAM cache after update) * Added New ConfigPress setting aam.caching (by default is FALSE) * Improved Metabox & Widgets filtering mechanism * Added French Translation (by Moskito7) * Added "My Feature" Tab * Regenerated .pot file = 2.0 = * New UI * Robust and completely new core functionality * Over 3 dozen of bug fixed and improvement during 3 alpha & beta versions * Improved Update mechanism = 1.9.1 = * Fixed bug with empty event list * Fixed bug with direct attachment access * Reverted back the default UI design * Last release of 1.x AAM Branch = 1.9 = * AAM 2.0 alpha 1 Announcement = 1.8.5 = * Added Event Manager * Added ConfigPress parameter "aam.encoding" = 1.8 = * Fixed user caching issue * Fixed issue with encoding * Clear output buffer to avoid from third party plugins issues * Notification about new release 2.0 = 1.7.5 = * Accordion Fix = 1.7.3 = * Fixed reported issue #8894 to PHPSnapshot * Added Media File access control * Extended ConfigPress Tutorial = 1.7.2 = * Fixed CSS issues = 1.7.1 = * Fixed issue with cache removal query * Silenced Upgrade for release 1.7 and higher * Removed Capabilities description * Added .POT file for multi-language support * Silenced issue in updateRestriction function * Silenced the issue with phpQuery and taxonomy rendering = 1.7 = * Removed Zend Caching mechanism * Silenced the issue with array_merge in API model * Removed the ConfigPress reference * Created ConfigPress PDF Tutorial * Moved SOAP wsdl to local directory = = * Changed the way AHM displays = 1.6.9 = * Encoding issue fixed * Removed AWM Group page * Removed .htaccess file * Fixed bug with Super Admin losing capabilities = = * Implemented native WordPress jQuery UI include to avoid version issues = = * Fixed JS issue with dialog destroy = = * Fixed Javascript issue * Fixed issue with comment feature = 1.6.8 = * Extended ConfigPress * New view * Updated ConfigPress Reference Guide = = * Implemented alternative way of Premium Upgrade * Extended ConfigPress = 1.6.7 = * New design = 1.6.6 = * Bug fixing * Maintenance work * Added Multisite importing feature = = * Updated jQuery UI lib to 1.8.20 * Minimized JavaScript * Implemented Web Service for AWM Group page * Implemented Web Service for Premium Version * Fixed bug with User Restrictions * Fixed bug with Edit Permalink * Fixed bug with Upgrade Hook * Reorganized Label Module (Preparing for Russian and Polish transactions) = (Beta) = * Bug fixing * Removed custom error handler = 1.6.5 = * Turn off error reporting by default * More advanced Post/Taxonomy access control * Added Refresh feature for Post/Taxonomy Tree * Added Custom Capability Edit Permalink * Filtering Post's Quick Menu * Refactored JavaScript = 1.6.3 = * Added more advanced possibility to manage comments * Change Capabilities view * Added additional checking for plugin's reliability = 1.6.2 = * Few GUI changes * Added ConfigPress reference guide * Introduced Extended version * Fixed bug with UI menu ordering * Fixed bug with ConfigPress caching * Fixed bugs in filtermetabox class * Fixed bug with confirmation message in Multisite Setup = = * Fixed issue with menu = = * Resolved issue with chmod * Fixed issue with clearing config.ini during upgrade = = * Fixed 2 bugs reported by jimaek = 1.6.1 = * Silenced few warnings in Access Control Class * Extended description to Manually Metabox Init feature * Added possibility to filter Frontend Widgets * Refactored the Option Page manager * Added About page = 1.6 = * Fixed bug for post__not_in * Fixed bug with Admin Panel filtering * Added Restore Default button * Added Social and Support links * Modified Error Handling feature * Modified Config Press Handling = 1.5.8 = * Fixed bug with categories * Addedd delete_capabilities parameter to Config Press = 1.5.7 = * Bug fixing * Introduced error handling * Added internal .htaccess = 1.5.6 = * Introduced _Visitor User Role * Fixed few core bugs * Implemented caching system * Improved API = 1.5.5 = * Performed code refactoring * Added Access Config * Added User Managing feature * Fixed bugs related to WP 3.3.x releases = 1.4.3 = * Emergency bug fixing = 1.4.2 = * Fixed cURL bug = 1.4.1 = * Fixed some bugs with checking algorithm * Maintained the code = 1.4 = * Added Multi-Site Support * Added Multi-Language Support * Improved checking algorithm * Improved Super Admin functionality = 1.3.1 = * Improved Super Admin functionality * Optimized main class * Improved Checking algorithm * Added ability to change User Role's Label * Added ability to Exclude Pages from Navigation * Added ability to spread Post/Category Restriction Options to all User Roles * Sorted List of Capabilities Alphabetically = 1.3 = * Change some interface button to WordPress default * Deleted General Info metabox * Improved check Access algorithm for compatibility with non standard links * Split restriction on Front-end and Back-end * Added Page Menu Filtering * Added Admin Top Menu Filtering * Added Import/Export Configuration functionality = 1.2.1 = * Fixed issue with propAttr jQuery IU incompatibility * Added filters for checkAccess and compareMenu results = 1.2 = * Fixed some notice messages reported by llucax * Added ability to sort Admin Menu * Added ability to filter Posts, Categories and Pages = 1.0 = * Fixed issue with comment editing * Implemented JavaScript error catching